Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thanks for the cookies

So my dad went to Oklahoma this weekend for a trade show, and when he came home today he brought back Alexis an I-tunes card, and he brought Cole a toy truck. He told me he didn't give me anything. But, he had some chocolate chip cookies, and he told me I could have them. Usually I don't expect my parents to bring me anything home from a trip anyway since I'm basically an adult now.
But, I'm glad my dad gave me the chocolate chip cookies.
I really love cookies, especially chocolate chip. Whenever I have them, it makes my day. I guess cookies are my happy food.
Today, the cookies reminded me of the time my friend's mom made some cookies for a linger longer after church. She told me she mainly made them because of me, since she knew I really wanted some M&M cookies. I was happy that she thought of me, and was kind enough to take the time to make them.
It also reminded me of my roommate . On Sundays she would make her special snicker doodles(shown above). They were the best snicker doodles I have ever had. I would hover around the kitchen a lot waiting for the cookies to be done in the oven, and they always came out perfect. Eating cookies may not seem like a big deal, but my roommates and I enjoyed just hanging out together.
I don't know why, but cookies make me very happy. My dad may not think I thought the cookies were anything special, but they were, so thanks Dad :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am possibly the worst blogger ever...

I know many (or actually the few) of you who actually read my blog are probably amazed to see something new posted. I know I am not very good at keeping up with my blog, but hey I will have at least one thing about my summer posted. Unfortunately, I waited till nearly the end of my summer break to actually write something.
Well this is the best summer break I have had in a long time. I have not had a dull moment, although when I first came home in April I was pretty bored. After a month of being home things started to pick up. Mostly this summer I have been working in the basement, watching Alexis and Cole while my parents were at trade shows, and hanging out with my friends.