Tuesday, October 6, 2009

BaCk iN scHoOl

I have been in Idaho for a month now starting off my sophomore year. So far it has been good. My new roommates are awesome; we all get along really well. I also enjoy most of my classes so far. I must say that I have had some difficulty in my figure drawing. I think human figures is one of the most difficult things to draw. I'm decent at drawing heads, but when I try to put the rest of the body together... yuck. Oh well I'm really trying, and luckily some of the other students have been helping me. They give me a lot of good advice, and they have helped me improve.
I am also taking photography this semester. In this class I'm learning to take black and white photos with film. Taking the photos is fun, but actually making the film is a bit tedious. We will also be going over some digital photography, which I'm more excited about.
In the future I plan to have a cookie theme for my blog. I plan to change my layout whenever I get a hold of a photoshop and illustrator program. Then I can use my design skills, and maybe my new photography skills, and make a new page. I think that the layout from The cutest blog on the block is great, but I want to be able to make a web page on my own.